Web Counter to Track Visitor!
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Web Counter to Track Visitor!

Web counters analyses your site’s traffic and statistics, it tracks your complete website stats such as hits, page views, referrals etc.

Free Hosted Web Counters

These counters are free. It monitors the Internet traffic generated by your website through a visible icon on your homepage. Service highlight includes (may differ to schemes) hour, day, month, year, last visits, browser versions, search engine and keywords and likes.These are basic plans and not as advanced as paid tracking services.

Paid Counters

It allows to monitor and analyze customer’s behavior while visiting a certain web site. The ideal solution should provide a broader view of the visit trend and simultaneously, measure all the parameters which are indispensable for a correct comprehension of the visitors’ behavioural pattern. The services variably include password protection, icons and counters, visit per page, keyword search,visit frequency, time report, country of origin etc.

Free Web Counters

Can track 120 unique pages at one go.

The free service is limited to one page per site.

No limit on maximum pages tracked.

Free for personal websites only.

The free service is limited to no more than 500 page views per month.

One counter per page.

The stats provide by the free trackers are not password protected.

Free trial provides details over the last 7 days.

The free version requires a small icon to be displayed on the page to be tracked and can be used for no more than 3 pages. Websitetrafficreport.com: They send you the report via email every day.

Free Web Counters

Subscription based Hosted Web Counters

Basic price starts from $5. Records elementary stat. Can use customer digit.

This German site offers you multiple page tracking and refer logs.

Offers customized digit styling.

Germany based web counter, records limited seats, which include refer logs.

Provides a number of programming services including a hit counter.

Offers you customized services.Compiles graphic statistics.

Provides client with a counter, clock, date and a visitor log which keep tracks of all the information.

A search engine tracker with detailed statistics.

Capable of multiple pager tracking and search engine keyword analysis.

Vast and reliable. Has a hidden tracker.

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