The purpose of this section is to serve as ready reference to common questions asked to our technical support department.
Email self-help Section
- How to check emails using Outlook / Outlook express?
- How to check emails using Netscape?
- How to check emails on the website (webmail)?
- How to create new email accounts?
- How to change email passwords?
- How to change FTP password?
- How do I send Emails using my website from outlook express (email client)?
- How do I send make a form working (formmail or form – to – email)?
FTP self help section
Form-to-email self help section
Web upload self help section
How to check emails using Outlook / Outlook express?
- To create a new account in Outlook Express Go to Tools -> Accounts – > Mail
- Server TYPE is: POP3
- Your POP3 server is :
- Your SMTP server is:
- (Please tick "My Outgoing mail server requires Authorization ")
How to check emails using Netscape?
- Same as Outlook express with the exception that Netscape does not allow @ sign in the user name and hence you will have to use as username
How to check emails on the website (webmail)?
- (http:// followed by yourdomain dot coms and colon 8383)
- user id is your full email address
How to create new email accounts?
To create new account you will have to log on to your email control panel using the webmail interface. Only the default user has the ability to administer users.
- Click ADD
- Fill up the user name / password / details (leave other things blank)
How to change email passwords?
- To change the password, you will have to logon to webmail interface.
- click the change password option
to change the FTP password, you will first have to logon to hosting control panel.
First Level Login :
User: reseller
Pass: as given
Second Level Login:
Pass: as given
Select the option Serv-U FTP to change the password
How do I send Emails using my website from outlook express (email client)?
- Typically for Sending (SMTP) you can user Your ISP’s SMTP server.
- However if you face any difficulty in SMTP with your ISP, we have SMTP facility on the server.
- In outlook express, assign SMTP server as
- Also enable the "Authorization for outgoing mail server" s
How do I send make a form working (formmail form – to – email )?
We use and prefer to use ASPemail to collect information for the form and get it by email.
Typically this is used in feedback / contact forms where visitors on the website will fill in a small form that will be emailed to website owner.
set objmail=server.createobject("Persits.MailSender")
objmail.Host = ""
objmail.from="email address"
objmail.FromName = "Your name"
objmail.AddAddress "email address of recipent"
objmail.username = "your email address"
objmail.password = "password"
objmail.subject = "subject"
objmail.body = "<html><body><font face=’Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif’ font color=’#003399′> Dear Subscriber,<BR><BR>"&chr(13)&chr(10)&_
"msn :</body></html>"
How to change FTP password?
to change the FTP password, you will first have to logon to hosting control panel.
First Level Login :
User: reseller
Pass: as given
Second Level Login:
Pass: as given
Select the option Serv-U FTP to change the password
How do I upload files to my website?
please you the FTP software (example : cuteftp ) to upload the files in WWW folder
We do not support CDONTS , which is a free component of Microsoft due to security reasons. But we offer a more secure similar component ASPemail (
How do I make feedback / Inquiry form work?
Please refer the above section. We have (aspemail) support on the server.
How do I use ASPUpload Facility?
We support aspupload component (
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